Puede cambiar la plantilla para la página de producto en la configuración de catálogo.
Lea esta página atentamente para comprender completamente todos los elementos de la página del producto.
Precio: | 30,00 € |
This section is a product long description. It should appear under the attributes table or in the description tab. Before that, you should see the price, SKU and shipping options (all can be disabled). The attributes also can be disabled.
Product Page Layout
You can modify the product page and product listing layout by clicking on the admin options links located under the image.
Advanced Theme Integration Mode
You are currently using theme mode.
With Advanced Mode, you will be able to use Catalog X in 100%. The product listing page, category pages, product search and category widget will be enabled in advanced mode. You can enable the Advanced Mode 100% free. To see how please see Theme Integration Guide
The Advanced Mode works out of the box on all default WordPress themes and all themes with the integration done correctly.
Simple Theme Integration Mode
The simple mode allows using Catalog X most features. You can build the product listing pages and category pages by using a
How to switch to Advanced Mode?
Click here to test the Automatic Advanced Mode. If the test goes well, you can keep it enabled and enjoy full Catalog X functionality. If the page layout during the test will not be satisfying, please see Theme Integration Guide.
The theme integration guide will show you a step by step process. If you finish it successfully, the integration will be done. It is recommended to use theme integration guide even if the page looks good in simple mode or advanced mode because it reassures 100% theme integrity.